What Private Lesson Parents Are Saying


"Coach Matt is amazing!!! My boys ages 6&8 went from non-swimmers to very confident and water safe 3 months! We skipped years of rec center lessons with the results we got. And my boys just absolutely loved him!"

— Emilee Naik


"The Lowells have been such a blessing. Water safety was a huge anxiety for me. Both my boys go and they absolutely love Matt. They’ve made amazing progress. We are so, so fortunate."

— Elissa B.

"Today my 4.5 year old who couldn’t do anything in the water in June, survival swam tonight just a few months later (and is well on her way to swimming soon)! Matt is so patient and my kids really like him! I definitely recommend him if you are looking for an amazing swim instructor!"

— Kristine J.


"We were only planning to take classes for the summer but my 3 year old made such great progress that we decided to continue - getting the dome was brilliant for the winter. I had such anxiety about my son and water but already feel so much more confident in his abilities in knowing what to do. Matt is so patient and kind and knows exactly how to deal with kiddos. So grateful to have found him!"

— Katy Christiani

"My three boys take lessons with Matt. We love him. My youngest was in a near drowning and has been terrified of water.. now he is swimming with head in the water!!! Amazing!"

— Julie Bergenser


"My daughter has been taking lessons from him as well and he is so great. Totally recommend him! She was afraid to put her face in the water and her first lesson she wouldn’t even get off the top step, and now she’s able to swim a little ways in her own. I’m amazed!"

— Allison Parker

"I have recommended Matt to so many of my friends! He has so much patience and has worked extremely well with my autistic son who has had a few meltdowns. Matt is such a fantastic instructor. We can’t say enough about him!"

—Sharon S.


“More love for coach Matt! My daughter may have had a 3 year old fear of a male teacher. Despite that, he taught her so much in such a short time and was always calm and reassuring! She already loved water, but Matt was able to break down the steps and help actually her swim! Stoke and float combos, she was swimming across the pool! He is so good and patient with the kids too, pushing them just enough!"

— Casey B.